so we got a kitten a few months back (gabby) because who doesn't need some more irritation in their life? she plays non-stop...except for when we're at work; that's her sleepy time. her favorite thing to do is crawl into something noisy in our room at 5:30 in the morning. god forbid we shut the door...then she just gets one of the girls headbands and carries it to the door and plays with it 1/2-way underneath it; just enough for it to make noise (yes, she gets into the girls bathroom and takes the headbands out of the little headband-container and drags them all over the house).
i forgot what it was like to have a baby kitty because my kitty is all grown up; her name is phoebe

and there's no messing around with her! she's a serious bitch...but she loves me! she sleeps on my pillow at night and nuzzles her head right up against mine! she's actually mellowed-out since we got gabby and has become more tollerable for humans. and even though she pretends to hate the kitty i catch her cuddled up next to her on the back of the couch licking her head.
and when the licking is all
done they're back to the

because that's what cats do, right? they play constantly...except for when you're at work! they are cute though, i'm sure in a few years when gabby settles down she'll be just as cute as phoebe. and she'll actually let people pet her instead of biting them because she has 'play' on the brain 24/7. she's in attack mode at all times; always hiding

in some dark corner waiting for you to walk by then KABLAMEE...she strikes and you don't even know it's comin'. it just wraps itself around your leg. luckily phoebs taught her how to play without using her nails; whew!
they're fun though.
now...if i could just get tana to stop dragging the kitty around by her tail i bet she'd say the same about us!
Two word for you: Funny Cat.
whats new pussy-cat, whoa-oo-ooo
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