this is the view from the front porch...
it was soooo relaxing!
we went up with good friends of ours, rich & krista and their kids molly & charlie. the cabin is rich's parents who went with us as well. and we can't forget nana martha! she is what allows the parents to get away from their children (i would say she's a glutton for punishment but she loves it!) we had tons of fun. the parents got to run off to breckenridge and lake dillon on saturday, which was some of the most fun i have had! we went paddle-boating; well, krista and i went paddle-boating and the boys fished off of their paddle-boat. seriously...this is what it looked like the entire time...

meanwhile krista and i went all over the freakin' place and even tried to brave some small, yet determined rapids. we tried to go upstream and the laws of gravity/physics did not allow this!
i know it doesn't look like much, but i'm tellin ya...that shit was tough to get up. the best part was when the current just whipped us around and sent us shooting back downstream.

AAANNNNDDD.....we fell out of the boat and mysteriously got pictures of this event:

Allright Giada... we get it... your life ROCKS! For the record... your "falling off the boat" face looks suspiciously like your "having an O" face. Hmmm... coincidence or do you just feel like you're falling off a boat when you climax? Inquiring minds want to know! It's quite perplexing.
Ah yes, sooo much fun. Till the cops came. Doesn't that always happen to the most fun times? OMG I am about to become part of that! The paradox is mind boggling...
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